You Have a Believer4/23/2020 You have organs in your body that cause your body to function properly. Each organ has a specific assignment in your body to perform certain tasks. Your heart pumps blood. Your lungs take in and receive oxygen. Your brain is the central command center, which keeps the whole thing running. Everybody has these organs and if you didn’t, you wouldn’t be here today. These organs that I’ve named are just a few that your body needs in order to live. These organs are vital to your life and without them your body would cease to function.
There’s a spiritual parallel to this as well in regards to your spirit man, which is the real you on the inside of your physical body. Your spirit man has a vital organ that aids and sustains your life. Just as your physical body has a heart that pumps blood through your entire body, your spirit man has a vital organ that I like to call a believer. You have a believer on the inside of you whether you’ve realized it or not, and the primary purpose of your believer (which is located in your spiritual heart) is to pump what you believe to the rest of your spiritual body. Whatever you decide that you’re going to believe will determine what gets pumped to the rest of your body by your believer. Just as the life of the flesh is in the blood, the life of your spirit is in your believer. Your believer will determine your spiritual life and health.
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